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Takehisa YAMAKITA Ph.D.(Science)


My research interests

I originally interested in "How basic science can be applied to a complex system. And at that time how science can facilitate its position as human culture". Especially, I fascinated in wetland ecosystem and its human relationships, because of its biodiversity, productivity (also as foods), traditional use and emergency by recent anthropogenic impacts. I also have a great interest in dealing with landscape issue include GIS, simulation and statistics (I love "R").

In my PhD. thesis I studied long-term seagrass dynamics using remote sensing and field experiment. At that moment, I tried to capture the scale dependency of the spatial-temporal patterns using spatial statistics. I also tried to simulate dynamics beyond one single spatial scale caused by a feedback mechanism between sand and seagrass patches as spatial self-organization. In my master course, I joined in a cooperative research program ("Geomar" in Kiel) which subjected to reveal diversity-stability relationships on marine fouling organisms.

As a post-doc, I worked about nationwide and Asian wide biodiversity estimation present and future. I also worked to evaluate terrestrial effects on the coastal area on a nationwide scale. Some of these results are cited in an IPBES regional assessment and reports in the project of the Ministry of the Environments.

When I was PosDoc I started to evaluate integrated human-nature interaction. This was what I expected to work on since I heavily worked as citizen activist during undergrad days such as a member of any conservation committees (e.g. "Sanbanze"), tentative worker as an interpreter in the national park "Oze", NGO's and conducted start-up of nature watching club (e.g UNExP).

Recently, I started the use of image recognition to extract organisms or vegetation in the broad scale of the area, including the application of deep-learning for remote sensing. In the future, I would like to integrate machine eye network and human-nature interaction and outreach of the researches.

Former affiliations and major activities

Other interests

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